Piano tuning & pitch raise... Does your piano need it?
Karmel LarsonShare
If it has been longer than you can remember since the last time you tuned your piano, it may need a pitch raise in addition to a piano tuning.
To understand what a pitch raise is, you must first know something about piano tuning. Pianos sound their very best when they are tuned to the international pitch standard of A-440. What A-440 means is the note “A” above middle C will vibrate at 440 cycles per second. To do this, a piano tuner will make minute adjustments to the tensions of the strings of a piano to properly align the intervals between their tones. By maintaining your upright or grand piano at this standard pitch of A-440 you are creating long-term tuning stability to all the strings and the structure of your piano will be in balance. This is why regular piano tuning by an expert piano tuner and technician is so important to keeping your piano in top condition.
If your new or used piano has gone without piano tuning for a considerable amount of time, its pitch may have dropped far below A- 440. Every piano has around 220 strings in and all of them will need to be tightened considerably. This tightening adds tremendous tension to the piano’s structure. Without performing a proper pitch raise, as each string is tightened, the additional load causes the pitch of previously adjusted strings to change. It makes is impossible to make a change in pitch and end up with a fine, accurate tuning in one step. In a pitch raise your piano tuner will raise all strings to their correct tension levels. It is only after this that the piano can be tuned properly.
When you tune your piano regularly, you avoid the need for a pitch raise. Here at Brigham Larson Pianos we can get your upright piano or grand piano sounding great again with just one piano tuning appointment! If you would like more information about piano tuning or pitch raises, please visit www.brighamlarsonpianos.com or give us a call at 801-701-0113. We can help you with all your piano needs whether you are looking to buy a new piano (we carry Hailun, Kawai, Yamaha, and many others), rent a piano, trade in or buy a used piano, or piano tuning and repair the piano you already have.
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