Piano Lessons Blog - Seeking Gold at the Piano Competition

Seeking Gold at the Piano Competition

Karmel Larson

This picture features Abby, Thayne, and Brigham Larson participating in the NFMC Junior Festival this year. NFMC, or the National Federation of Music Clubs, hosts festival programs each year. When students participate several years in a row, they are eligible to receive a gold cup!
NFMC's website says, "Participation in NFMC Festivals promotes music study, stimulates interest in the musical literature of both the USA and the world, and encourages each participant to reach a high standard of musical achievement." Abby, Thayne, and Brigham received Honor Certificates for each playing two piano pieces in the festival. They were all judged, and given feedback based on their performance.
We are so proud of the hard work they put into their piano lessons. We are also grateful for their piano teachers who helped them reach this wonderful achievement. At Piano Academy, piano lessons go beyond the traditional teaching method of one piano teacher per student. Each student rotates through several teachers, who each teach them a different concept. To learn more about our comprehensive and unique piano lessons, check out this link:
The environment of NFMC's festivals is non-competitive, which serves as a great introduction into festival world. If your child is interested in participating, check out this link: www.nfmc-music.org.

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