A Different Kind of Slow Practice in Music
More blogs on slow practice?! Crazy, right? Well according to the leading musicians, slow practice is the most effective way to hone your skills at the piano! In his article, "A Different Kind of Slow Practice," Gerald Klickstein acknowledges the fact that many students who practice slowly are unable to get their music fast enough. Why is that? He explains that they do not practice in ways that translate into fast playing. The motions that they get stuck in do not allow them to play faster. In this article, he explains 5 different ways to practice slowly that will get students to eventually get their pieces up to tempo.
The 5 ways to effectively transform your slow practice are:
1. Sense Movement Groups
2. Express Emotional Detail
3. Chunk It
4. Feel Ahead
5. Modify the Rate of Change
To learn more about HOW to do each of these things, either ask a teacher, or visit the article at https://musiciansway.com/blog/2011/02/a-different-kind-of-slow-practice/
Good luck practicing!
P.S. The Musician's Way is one of the best music books I have ever read about learning how to healthily practice and perform.