The Fetterman Family Piano! Heirloom Piano Restoration Giveaway Entry!

The Fetterman Family Piano! Heirloom Piano Restoration Giveaway Entry!

Brigham Larson Pianos

My name is Rebecca Fetterman, and I'm 52 years old. I had a lifelong desire to play the piano and took lessons in roughly 2015 until 2018 or so. I wanted a piano to enhance my playing because the digital piano did not satisfy me in sound or dynamics. I began doing research about pianos and chose the Baldwin Acrosonic spinet as my choice from what everyone said about it. (One of my lesson pianos was Baldwin Hamilton upright and I loved it's tone. I assumed the same for the Acrosonic) I never managed to locate an Acrosonic and over time, a busy homeschooling wife, I stopped my lessons and the desire of owning a piano was replaced by practicality. But the urge to play keeps bubbling beneath the surface. Listening to classical music doesn't help!! Free pianos would pop up here and there and I'd always get excited, but never pursued them because, honestly, I'm too old for this, aren't I? I'm not a good player, why bother??? Meanwhile at the same time I started lessons back in 2014-15, my older sister Susie also started lessons and picked up a junky piano for herself. It wasn't until a few days ago out of the blue that another piano was offered to me personally. It was a 50s or 60s Kimball either spinet or console. I got excited because it was a brand i at least knew of, but i havent touched the piano since I stopped lessons, this Kimball reignited that old desire. My husband wasn't thrilled about it. Defeated I mentioned it to my sister, who said pianos aren't worth it, they are nothing but a waste of space, and she said she has one in her garage that she can't get rid of. I ask her to send me a picture not thinking anything of it, and she does. I about fell off my chair. The closeup shot of a very scripty Acrosonic completely floored me, and I did a quick google search. Sure enough, she managed to get a 1940s acrosonic!!! and I asked her if she knew what she had. She didn't. I said it was my dream piano and I started searching for you tube videos about them and discovered Brigham Larson's you tube channel and sent her a video that featured an Acrosonic very similar to hers. He even confirmed what i had researched so long ago. She was completely astonished. I couldn't sleep that night, part in disbelief, part in absolute thanks to God. I scheduled a visit with my sister and could hardly wait to see the piano. My van wouldn't start that morning, but I was able to get over there and see it, and my sister. The acrosonic sounded as good as they said... it has not been tuned in forever, the lovely striped wood is scratched and dented, her keys are yellowed...but what a beauty!! Every note sounded, there is one that had a bullet casing stuck in the action so although the key played, the key remains lowered. I painfully picked through a few songs on it and it was so amazed at how it sounded, I recorded a few of my attempts. I didn't want to leave it, but I can't move it right now and it needs some work. Anyway, I was at your website because I wasn't sure the color of the piano and was hoping to get a look at different wood styles and I knew there would be some Acrosonics so I could determine what color it was. I saw this giveaway, and honestly I don't know why I'm filling this form out... I will say that after watching your restoration videos, I wished you were on the East Coast so I could bring my soon to be Acrosonic to you. (As a side note, my Aunt Clara Yechout was a known pianist and teacher in Omaha Nebraska, and she owned a Steinway grand piano. I found out that my cousin, her nephew, inherited this Steinway and had it restored completely. I couldn't look at the pictures for sadness and jealously - to have something so special, so rare... I want that Steinway!!!! but this humble little Acrosonic is just like that Steinway to me... so special, so rare... I don't deserve it! But here it is, offered to ME!!!!! I can't believe it's just been sitting in my sisters garage less than a half hour away. This is my sister's piano, and my dream piano. I thought this dream of ever having my own piano was dead and gone. But here is my dream piano in my sisters garage. I dont understand the timing of it. It was not the age that I would have ever considered, but it is an Acrosonic!! I can't stop thinking of it. The pics below are the first images I saw of it, when I realized what it could be...



  • YEAR 11940-1950
  • MAKE Baldwin Acrosonic
  • FINISH Wood Finish


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