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Brigham Larson Pianos

The Mayberry Family Piano!

The Mayberry Family Piano!

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My grandma taught me and my siblings how to play the piano as kids. Most of us later used that music foundation to learn other instruments. My older sister was especially invested with the violin, but all of us enjoyed it. Most of our spouses play some kind of instrument as well, and we all love it. This was also thanks to my Mom making us take the time to practice along the entire musical journey. She never really learned to play, despite wanting to, but still keeps a piano in her house for when we come to visit because she loves listening. " "My mom's piano has an old history, though I confess I don't remember most of it. It is an old player piano, made in the early 1900's, bright across the plains in a covered wagon with the pioneers, which I'm sure was exceptionally difficult. The family later traded it for a basket of eggs (crazy right?! I wish I knew more details). I don't know what happened to it after that, until my Mom got it about fifteen years ago. She loved its story, but it also has a really nice sound and she has kept it through multiple moves, and tried her best to keep it in good condition. She loves antiques, and tried getting into it to see if the player part of the piano could be repaired, but it was far beyond anything she could do, and she had no idea where to start with replacing or repairing many of the parts. This was very disappointing for her, but she's tried to keep it in good repair all the same (despite the moves and grand children's various antics, I think she's done a pretty good job.) She is also already planning to refinish the wood this summer. We all love hearing it played during family get togethers, and I know it would mean the world to my Mom to have it restored. And I'm sure adults and children alike would enjoy watching it play on its own. Unfortunately I live to far to go visit and get a recording playing it, but she was able to send me a picture. Not seen is a picture frame above it with all of the kids playing various instruments.


  • YEAR 1920-1930
  • MAKE Autopiano Company
  • FINISH Wood Finish


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