Announcing the 2017 FREE Piano Giveaway! Pianos Gather Families
Karmel LarsonShare
Brigham Larson Pianos is hosting a free piano giveaway for 2017! We are giving away a brand new Hailun 121 upright piano to one lucky winner! Here at BLP, our mission is:
“ Facilitating positive musical experiences for families ”
Music and families are equally important to us. This year we encourage you to bring your family together through music and take part in our giveaway!
For full giveaway and entry details, text PIANO to 555888!
How to Enter:
Create a video of two or more family members sharing an experience at the piano. (video ideas and examples below)
Take a photo of your family group together with the piano.
Email your video and photo files to BrighamLarsonPianos@gmail.com. If your file is too large, upload it to Dropbox or Google Drive and send us the link!
Come to our piano store to fill out the entry form.
Keep an eye out for your video and photo on our social media, using #PianosGatherFamilies!
Video Ideas and Examples:
Family members sing ‘Happy Birthday’ accompanied on the piano
Play a piano duet as siblings, or cousins!
Sing a song with Mom (you sing, she plays)
Play a song for your grandparents. Have them clap or whistle along!
Have a drummer boys duo, one plays and one drums on the piano
Kids sing to mom for Mother’s Day
Play a hymn with Dad
Play chopsticks with little sister
Play Heart & Soul with Auntie!
Propose to your significant other with a song
Sing a goodnight lullaby
Start a band! Accompany another instrument on the piano
Or any other 2+ family member interaction gathered at a piano!